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TSTT CEO Ronald Walcott

bmobile, Caribbean Cinemas and Pepsi reward students following months of hard work.

TSTT Press Release

Corporate Communicaitons

Students who sat the 2019 Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examination on Thursday 4th April were rewarded for their months of preparation and hard work when communication solutions provider, bmobile, Caribbean Cinemas and Pepsi teamed up to treat the youngsters, following their academic duty.
At both locations of Caribbean Cinemas in Trinidad – SouthPark and Trincity Mall, bmobile and its partners provided scores of relieved primary school children with an opportunity to unwind. They were also granted chances to compete for tablets and $500 vouchers toward school supplies. Tobago students also felt the love as bmobile entertained the SEA students at Apex Bar & Grill.
Popular radio personalities, Ancil ‘Blaze’ Isaac and Randy ‘Mr. Smooth’ Mansoor, were on-hand to meet and greet the smiling kids as they skipped through the malls or cooled off with a movie.
TSTT’s Senior Manager Corporate Communications, Marsha Caballero, congratulated all participants of the 2019 SEA exam and revealed that this was the company’s second consecutive year partnering with Caribbean Cinemas and Pepsi to give back to the Trinidad and Tobago’s diligent student population.
“Education plays an essential role in grooming the nation’s future leaders. It is one of the four main elements that make up our bmobile Foundation. We also see it necessary for children to be recognised and rewarded for their academic exploits and dedication. At bmobile, we want to let them know that their work has not gone unnoticed. It’s all about giving back to the youth,” she explained.
Rael Jagessar, Caribbean Cinemas’ Operations Co-ordinator, revealed that it was indeed a pleasure interacting with some of the kids and listening to their insight on the exams.
“It has been a great success thus far,” Jagessar indicated. “We were once again contacted by bmobile who were adamant on hosting another SEA brain-cooler this year and which child doesn’t love a ‘freebie’? We remain hopeful that we can achieve the same, and more, in 2020.
Meawnhile, Salimah George – a Standard Five student of Upper Carapichaima Presbyterian Primary School – expressed elation with her overall performance. She also credited the selfless actions of bmobile, Caribbean Cinemas and Pepsi for providing youngsters with opportunities to take a load off.
“It’s nice to see big organisations coming together to show love to us youths. The journey to SEA has been a challenge but it’s all over now. I can’t wait to go home and get some rest.” he said.
Danniel Alleyne, a Standard Five parent, also expressed her gratitude for the appreciation shown to the kids.
“It’s finally over,” she said. “I did not stress out my child so we’re ok. It’s refreshing to see companies like bmobile coming out and supporting youngsters in whatever way possible. Kudos to them, Caribbean Cinemas and Pepsi for a job well done. I’m also optimistic that ventures such as these will continue as they help our student populous create a smooth transition into the secondary level.”

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