bmobile helps Living Water Community bring relief to distressed families
TSTT Corporate Communications
Press Release
As the nation recovers from the challenging few months gone, there are many families who continue to need support in the current challenging economic times. There is no better time for Corporate Trinidad and Tobago to partner and support NGOs as they seek to alleviate some of the stresses faced by many families. This was the aim of the only local full-services communications solution provider, bmobile along with other companies that responded to a call from local NGO, Living Water Community. Living Waters call to action requested assistance with providing hampers of basic food supplies and other necessary items to those most in need across the nation. Rhonda Maingot, Living Waters Founder and Director, explained that as part of its Food Ministry, the Frederick Street, Port of Spain, organization usually distributes hampers every week to the needy. However, as a result of the COVID-19 stay-at-home measures, there were now hundreds of people coming to them every week for assistance.
Dr. Ronald Walcott, Chief Executive Officer at TSTT, noted that there was no hesitation on the part of the company to step up and assist when asked. “The COVID-19 pandemic is far more than a health crisis. The impact on our economy and society is more widespread and immediate than crises in the past. We understand and empathize with our fellow citizens affected by this pandemic and so bmobile is pleased to be able to do its part to support them, however we can.”
The heavy demand for assistance caused by COVID-19, resulted in the distribution of over 1500 hampers on a weekly basis by the Living Water Community. Maingot indicated that at the height of the stay-at-home period, 800 to 900 hampers per week were given out on Fridays at their Frederick Street location. Hampers were also distributed to NGOs and communities all over Trinidad that they support. “We usually conduct interviews with the persons we assist to better understand their situation. Many of them had lost their jobs. We also saw that it would be difficult for us to keep our various ministries going because we had to cancel all of our upcoming fundraisers which we depend on, as well as close our coffee shop which is also an income earner. We reached out to a lot of companies for help to keep our ministries going, especially for hampers to give out to the poor. We were thrilled at the prompt response from bmobile.” said Maingot.
Maingot extended a special thank you to bmobile for its support. “We always approach bmobile for fundraising activities and they are always supportive. We were inundated with people requesting help and assistance. The generosity of bmobile has been nothing short of amazing and has assisted us in a big way in meeting the needs of the thousands who have been coming to us for help. Praise God for the generosity of companies such as bmobile. It is a wonderful experience to see nationals rise to the occasion and provide much needed assistance.”