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TSTT CEO Ronald Walcott

bmobile supports Youth Hydroponics Programme

TSTT Corporate Communications

Press Release

Employment opportunities have been significantly reduced in many communities in the past few years and compounded recently by the economic fallout of covid-19. Core Foundation, a local NGO, has been engaged in work to enhance the lives of many underserved communities across the country. Established in 2015, its primary mission is to improve, inspire, and empower people to live a better quality of life by creating workable solutions to eradicate poverty and social issues.

Core Foundation recently partnered with bmobile Business, to launch an agricultural venture in hydroponics with the Second Caledonia community members in Morvant. The goal is to get young men and women involved in agriculture through the hydroponics system, contributing to their self-reliance and invoking their entrepreneurial spirit.

Darryl Duke, General Manager Enterprise Services (Ag.), TSTT confirmed the company’s support of the CORE Foundation and their community development initiatives during the launch. Speaking to students and participants at the launch, Duke drew on his own experiences to share, "When I was in school and your age, we were taught in school to get cheques but not write cheques. There is no better time to be an entrepreneur and to learn about business through this opportunity. Learn to be the one who is making the money and writing the cheques. It's an opportunity of a lifetime and I want each of you to leverage technology to make you and this business more efficient and that is what we are here to support today and for the time to come," he added. “There is no TSTT without T&T in it. And you are T&T. So, we are here, pledging our support to see this project thrive and grow," he concluded.

Additionally, bmobile stepped in to contribute internet access to the Foundation’s Homework centre. This would ensure that the centre is equipped with much needed connectivity that would ensure the completion of assignments while many students continue remote schooling.

Angelo Scope, Chairman and co-founder of Core Foundation, recalled, "This particular project sprung up because of a need that came from a conversation with Raphne St Rose, a gentleman who worked with me and was a prominent representative for projects in the community. He's from the area and wanted to find a means to help young men up here. These young men are yearning to do something different that can create sustainable financial freedom for themselves and their families," he highlighted. Scope has worked to transition the organisation he helped create, from one focused on charitable events and fundraising to more sustainable programmes. "My commitment to help has been unwavering for the past few years and when Mr St Rose brought this idea to me and I could see that it was a viable avenue for youth in the area, I knew we had to do it,” he noted.

Supplies and resources for the Core Foods Hydroponics initiative were provided by bmobile, WASA, The Honourable Adrian Leonce, the Member of Parliament for Laventille East/Morvant and other contributors. Participants also benefited from the expertise of an engineer who taught them the creation and maintenance of hydroponics systems. The intention is to showcase how crops grown hydroponically have better outcomes and improved turnaround times, which would interest persons who wish to learn to do the same in their homes.

The Honourable Adrian Leonce spoke to attendees about the spiritual and physical benefits of planting seeds and benefiting from reaping the fruits of hard work. "It's up to you now, the members of the community to plant the seeds not just physically, but in the minds of your neighbours and family about what is possible particularly in agriculture. Food is the only thing that was sustainable during the pandemic's closures. So, this is a transformational business opportunity to shine a beacon in our community. We desperately need beacons, like this, in our communities," he added.

The Core Foundation continues to develop mentorship programs, educational and professional programs, seminars, workshops, meetings, conferences, exhibitions and research activities, all related to the social sector. The bmobile Foundation focuses on national development with a particular focus on youth and education.

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